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If you are in crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741-741.

Meet the Founders

Hello, from the founders of S.AN.S.A Suicide ANd Survivors loss the Aftermath, Holli Nickels and Babette Rakoczy.

First of all, we are both deeply sorry for the reason you may be searching for information on peer suicide loss grief support. We started S.AN.S.A on September 10th 2016 World Suicide Prevention Day, after four years of going through our own grief journey by losing our sister Michelle to suicide on October 5th 2012.

Our first year was full of despair, gathering information, seeking the why part, and trying to find our own identities, because suicide shatters everything you once knew about life. Holli went into search mode looking for helpful groups or information regarding this type of loss. She came across a group that eventually majority of our immediate family joined.

During the three year time frame we learned a lot about this tragedy and the effects it has on each individual suicide loss touches. Learning what we did, it became a mission to start helping others with their grief journey as well. Some of the things we have done to help others is, taking classes for SafeTALK training and Facilitator training provided by American Foundation for Suicide Prevention or AFSP.  Annually we also do a donation drive to support our local AFSP in Fort Wayne, Indiana by participating in the Out Of the Darkness Walks.

We have learned that society has a very different look about suicide, many afflicted thoughts are attached to why someone would die by suicide and its reflected back to the loved ones left behind. We stand up against the stigma by speaking up about mental illness and it's okay to seek help. It's never too late to get help nor is it shameful.

Unfortunately, the statistics have proven suicide rates have increased over the last 30 years to the highest its ever been according to New York Times.

AFSP also states, that suicide deaths have no single cause, but to be a result of stress exceeding someones coping abilities due to mental illness. This tragedy has a detrimental impact on families and friends left behind, with this all being said, its never been more important to provide safe places, to cope among peers for those who have lost a loved one to suicide. We hope to be that safe place for you, as you are not alone in this type of grief journey.

Our Admin Team

Babette Rakoczy

Holli Nickels

Dawn Lawrence

Cheryl Nickels

Kerri Sands

Crystal Ortman-Robins

Pam Bezanson-Soard

Michaela Larkin

Should you decide to join the closed group, one of the admin team will be reaching out to you via Facebook PM, you will need to accept the message to read it. ***We are not professionals and always ask you seek professional help.***